The 10 Different Types Of Visas In The UAE – Everything You Should Know

The 10 Different Types Of Visas In The UAE – Everything You Should Know

Navigating the UAE’s visa landscape can feel like venturing into a maze filled with twists, turns, and hidden traps. Fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll be your personal GPS to help you steer through the 10 different types of visas introduced by the UAE Cabinet.

Whether you’re a trailblazing entrepreneur, an ambitious student, or a retiree seeking sun-soaked leisure, this article has got you covered. You’ll discover the ins and outs of each visa type—from the prestigious Golden Residence Scheme to the eco-friendly Green visa—along with their eligibility criteria, requirements, and benefits.

By peeling back the layers of complexity surrounding these visas, we aim to empower you with invaluable knowledge that will ensure a seamless transition into your new life in the UAE. So buckle up and get ready for an informative journey through one of the most dynamic countries on Earth.

Key Takeaways

  • The UAE has introduced 10 types of visas, including the Golden Residence Scheme, which offers expanded eligibility criteria and allows holders to sponsor family members and support services labourers without limit.
  • New 5-year residence tracks for talents, skilled professionals, freelancers, investors, and entrepreneurs have been introduced, with a variety of visa types for different visit purposes without requiring a host or sponsor.
  • Some of the visa options in the UAE include tourist/visit visa, residence/work visa, owner/partner visa, student visa, retirement visa, remote work visa, freelance visa, golden visa, and green visa.
  • Requirements for some visas include a certain income or property investment, exceptional talents, frontline workers, outstanding students/graduates, property purchase, or AED 1M annual revenue. Male children are sponsored till age 25 with a Green visa.

Green visa (5 years)

So, you’ve heard about the Green visa, right? It’s a fantastic 5-year option for self-employed folks, freelancers, and skilled employees looking to make the UAE their home.

The eligibility criteria are quite reasonable compared to other visas, making it an attractive choice for those who want more flexibility in their work and lifestyle. This new visa type not only allows you to live and work in the UAE but also offers some unique benefits that set it apart from other options.

One of the main benefits of the Green visa is that it allows male children to be sponsored until they reach 25 years of age, giving families peace of mind as they settle into life in the UAE. Additionally, this visa category doesn’t require a local sponsor or employer – perfect for those who prefer being independent or have multiple clients around the world. You’ll also find that there’s no minimum investment amount required for this type of visa, allowing you to focus on building your career or business without worrying about large upfront costs.

The application process is relatively straightforward but can vary depending on your specific situation. Typically, you’ll need to submit documentation such as your passport copy, proof of income or employment contract, educational certificates (if applicable), medical insurance coverage details, and any additional supporting documents relevant to your case. It’s important to consult with an immigration expert or check with official government sources before starting your application so that you’re fully prepared.

When comparing the Green visa with other options like the Golden visa or Remote Work visa, consider factors such as length of stay duration allowed by each type (Green: 5 years; Golden: 10 years; Remote Work: 1 year), eligibility criteria (Golden visas are typically reserved for exceptional talents while Remote Work requires a minimum income level), and overall costs involved in obtaining them.

Ultimately, choosing between these different types will depend on your individual needs and long-term goals while living in this dynamic country – so be sure to weigh your options carefully before making a decision.

Tourist/visit visa (14-90 days)

If you’re planning a short trip, the tourist/visit visa offers a stay of 14 to 90 days, perfect for exploring all the wonders this amazing country has to offer! The visa requirements are quite straightforward and depend on your nationality.

For some countries, like those in the GCC and select European nations, a visa on arrival is available. For others, prior application through a UAE-based airline or travel agency is necessary. Make sure you check your eligibility before traveling to avoid any complications.

The application process for a tourist/visit visa is relatively simple and can be done online through various platforms such as airlines or authorized travel agencies. You’ll need to provide necessary documents like your passport (with at least six months’ validity), passport-size photograph, confirmed round-trip tickets, and proof of accommodation during your stay.

Once approved, you will receive an e-visa that you can print and carry with you when entering the UAE. In case your plans change or you simply want to extend your stay in the UAE beyond what was initially granted on your tourist/visit visa, there’s good news: it’s possible to apply for a visa extension!

Depending on how long your initial visit was (30 or 90 days), extensions can be applied for up to another 30 days or more. Keep in mind that extending your visa comes with additional fees and may require extra documentation.

Visa fees vary depending on the duration of the visa and where it is being processed from – whether through an airline or travel agency – but typically range from AED 200 ($55) for a short-term single-entry visit up to AED 900 ($245) for multiple-entry visas valid over longer periods.

Visa restrictions include not being allowed to work during one’s visit unless obtaining proper permits beforehand; otherwise, working without authorization could lead to fines and deportation. So go ahead – plan that dream vacation knowing how easy it is now with the UAE’s tourist/visit visa options! Just remember to choose and apply wisely, adhering to all requirements and restrictions.

Residence/work visa (2 years)

Ready to make the move and start a new life in the UAE? A residence/work visa might be just what you’re looking for! With the introduction of the new system, obtaining a residence/work visa has become more accessible and flexible compared to its previous version.

The benefits of the new system include:

  • Simplified requirements
  • More job opportunities
  • Quicker processing times
  • Greater flexibility in terms of visa validity
  • Enhanced possibilities for career growth

Eligibility criteria for obtaining a residence/work visa have been made less stringent under the new system, allowing for a wider range of professionals to take advantage of this opportunity. Generally, you need to have a valid employment contract with a company registered in the UAE or be sponsored by an employer who is willing to apply on your behalf. In addition, you must meet certain health and security requirements.

To obtain your residence/work visa, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Secure a job offer from an employer based in the UAE.
  2. Obtain preliminary approval from UAE immigration authorities.
  3. Undergo medical testing at an approved facility.
  4. Submit all required documents (passport copy, photos, employment contract) for final approval.
  5. Receive your entry permit and get your Emirates ID card upon arrival.

The impact on the job market as a result of these changes is expected to be significant, as it will attract more skilled professionals seeking better opportunities abroad. This influx of talent will contribute positively towards the country’s economic diversification efforts while also enhancing competitiveness within various industries.

As you can see, obtaining a residence/work visa under this new system offers numerous advantages that are sure to make settling into your new life in the UAE both smoother and more rewarding than ever before! So why wait? Start exploring your options now and embark on an exciting journey toward building a successful future in one of the world’s most thriving nations!

Owner/partner visa (3 years)

Looking to put down roots and become your own boss in the land of opportunity? An owner/partner visa might be just the ticket! With this 3-year visa, you can enjoy the perks of running your own business in a booming economy while soaking up the Emirates’ vibrant lifestyle. But before you start packing your bags, let’s dive into the requirements, benefits, and process involved with securing this sought-after visa.

First things first: eligibility. To qualify for an owner/partner visa, you must have an ownership stake or partnership in a UAE-based company registered with any of the country’s free zones or mainland authorities. The minimum investment amount varies depending on the jurisdiction and business activity but expect to invest a sizable sum to secure your spot as a partner or owner. Additionally, it’s essential to keep in mind that certain industries may have specific licensing requirements.

Now onto the benefits! As an owner/partner visa holder, you’ll have access to several advantages that make life as an entrepreneur even more enjoyable. You’ll be able to sponsor family members for residency – giving them access to top-tier education options and healthcare services – and hire domestic help without restrictions. Plus, unlike other residence visas tied directly to employment contracts, your status as an investor gives you greater flexibility when it comes to switching companies or pursuing new opportunities within your three-year validity period.

So what does the application process look like? It starts with obtaining initial approval from immigration authorities by providing required documents such as proof of investment funds and company registration details. Once approved, you’ll need to undergo medical examinations and acquire health insurance coverage before receiving your entry permit (valid for two months).

Upon arrival in UAE territory within these two months validity period, proceed with biometrics capture at designated centers followed by final submission of all required documents including passport-sized photographs at relevant immigration office. Your shiny new owner/partner visa will then be issued within approximately one week – granting you the freedom to build your business empire in the UAE!

Transit visa (48-96 hours)

A layover in the United Arab Emirates can become an exciting mini-vacation with a transit visa, granting you 48 to 96 hours to explore the dazzling cityscapes, opulent malls, and breathtaking desert landscapes before continuing your journey. Transit visa benefits include a hassle-free way of extending your stay without needing a sponsor or host, giving you ample time to take in all that the UAE has to offer.

The best time for a transit visa is when your layover coincides with major events or festivals such as Dubai Shopping Festival, Abu Dhabi Film Festival, or Formula 1 Grand Prix.

Transit visa requirements are quite straightforward – simply ensure that you have a valid passport with at least six months’ validity remaining and hold confirmed onward flight tickets for destinations outside of the UAE. Additionally, residents from certain countries will need to apply for this visa in advance while others may avail it upon arrival at UAE airports. To avoid any complications during your travel plans, make sure to check eligibility criteria based on your nationality beforehand.

Transit visa fees vary depending on whether you opt for the 48-hour or 96-hour option; however, they’re generally affordable and provide excellent value considering the experiences awaiting you in the UAE. Once you’ve decided which duration suits your itinerary best, proceed with the transit visa application process by submitting relevant documents online through authorized airline websites like Etihad Airways or Emirates Airlines. Alternatively, travel agents and tour operators may assist in securing this type of entry permit.

So why not seize the opportunity presented by an extended layover? By obtaining a transit visa during your stopover in the UAE, you’ll be able to make lasting memories while exploring some of its most iconic landmarks and attractions – all within just two to four days!

Student visa (1 year)

Diving into the world of academia in the United Arab Emirates is a breeze with a one-year student visa, opening doors to prestigious institutions and unparalleled educational experiences. This visa category caters specifically to students who wish to pursue their studies in the UAE, covering various levels of education from high school up to PhD programs.

To help you understand this visa type better, let’s discuss its cost, eligibility criteria, benefits, renewal process, and some limitations.

  • Cost: The fees for obtaining a student visa in the UAE vary depending on the institution you choose and your nationality; however, it generally ranges between AED 1,000 to AED 3,000.
  • Eligibility: To be eligible for a student visa, you must have an acceptance letter from an accredited educational institution within the UAE. Additionally, some health insurance coverage may be required along with proof of financial means or sponsorship.
  • Benefits: Apart from granting access to top-class education facilities and opportunities in the UAE’s vibrant ecosystem of innovation and research centers, holding a student visa also allows you to work part-time during your studies (subject to certain conditions), making it easier for self-sufficient students.

Renewing your student visa is straightforward as long as you maintain good academic standing at your chosen institution. You will need to submit updated documents such as renewed health insurance coverage and evidence of continuing financial support or sponsorship when applying for renewal.

Keep in mind that there are limitations associated with holding a student visa – notably that it does not automatically provide permanent residence or citizenship rights after completing your studies. It is crucial that you explore different avenues if wishing to remain in the country long-term once your course has ended.

So go ahead and chase those academic dreams while immersing yourself in all that the United Arab Emirates has to offer! With clear knowledge about this particular type of visa’s costs and requirements covered above alongside its advantages like part-time work opportunities during study periods, you’re now well-equipped to make an informed choice about your future in the UAE.

Retirement visa (5 years)

Retiring in the United Arab Emirates has never been more appealing, thanks to the introduction of a five-year retirement visa that lets you enjoy your golden years in a dynamic and thriving country. To be eligible for this visa, you must meet certain criteria, such as having a monthly income of at least AED 20,000 or owning property in the UAE worth at least AED 2 million. The application process is straightforward and can be completed online through the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship website.

One of the many benefits of obtaining a retirement visa is that it allows you to reside in the UAE without needing sponsorship from an employer or family member. This gives you greater freedom and flexibility when planning your retirement activities and lifestyle.

Additionally, living expenses in the UAE have become more manageable with recent reductions in housing costs and utility bills. However, it’s essential to consider other living expenses such as healthcare, transportation, groceries, and leisure activities when budgeting for your retirement.

When comparing the UAE with other popular retirement destinations like Spain, Portugal or Malaysia, there are some key differences to keep in mind. While these countries may offer lower living costs overall, they might not provide the same level of safety or access to world-class amenities as found within the UAE. Moreover, if maintaining close ties with friends or family members still residing within your home country is important to you during retirement years, Dubai’s central location makes it an ideal base from which to travel internationally.

Choosing where to retire is a significant decision that should factor into various aspects such as quality of life expectations alongside financial considerations. Your unique circumstances will ultimately dictate what works best for you personally. With its modern infrastructure combined with diverse cultural offerings, plus stunning natural landscapes waiting for exploring, retiring under sunny skies amidst cosmopolitan vibes could very well prove the perfect choice for those seeking new adventures during their golden years while enjoying unparalleled peace-of-mind security-wise too!

Remote work visa (1 year)

It’s no surprise that the UAE has become a popular destination for remote workers, with a 42.6% increase in digital nomads since 2020.

The country offers an excellent work-life balance, world-class infrastructure, and a vibrant expat community.

In response to this growing demand, the UAE introduced the Remote Work Visa (1 year) as a convenient way for professionals to live and work remotely in the region.

The benefits of obtaining a Remote Work Visa include:

  1. Being able to legally reside and work in the UAE for up to one year
  2. Access to world-class amenities and facilities while working remotely
  3. No requirement to change your current employer or set up a local company
  4. A relatively simple application process compared to other visa types

To be eligible for this visa type, you must meet specific requirements such as having proof of employment or owning a business outside the UAE, earning at least USD 5,000 per month, and holding valid health insurance coverage that includes any dependents living with you in the country.

The eligibility criteria make it accessible for skilled professionals who want to experience life in the UAE without committing long-term.

The application process is straightforward – you need to first apply online through relevant government portals by submitting required documents such as passport copies, proof of income or employment/business ownership, health insurance certificates, and other necessary information depending on your circumstances.

Once approved by authorities within approximately 15-20 days after submission (depending on individual cases), you can enter the UAE using your newly acquired Remote Work Visa.

While there are several visa options available in the UAE catering to different needs – from tourist visas lasting 14-90 days to golden visas offering ten-year residency – each comes with its own set of advantages and requirements based on individual preferences and circumstances.

The Remote Work Visa is ideal if you’re seeking temporary residence coupled with legal authorization allowing remote work while enjoying all that this incredible country offers.

Remember to weigh your options carefully and select the visa type that best suits your needs and lifestyle for a seamless transition into the UAE’s dynamic society.

Freelance visa (varies)

Moving on from remote work visas, another attractive option for individuals seeking to work in the UAE is the freelance visa. This type of visa caters specifically to professionals who operate as freelancers or independent contractors.

Let’s dive into the requirements, benefits, process, eligibility, and comparison with other types of visas. To be eligible for a freelance visa in the UAE, you must possess skills or expertise in specific fields such as media, technology, or education. The requirements may vary depending on which emirate you choose to apply for your visa; however, generally speaking, you’ll need to provide relevant qualifications and certifications that demonstrate your expertise in your chosen field.

Additionally, obtaining a freelance license from a designated free zone is necessary before applying for this visa. One significant benefit of holding a freelance visa is the flexibility it offers compared to traditional employment visas. You’ll have the freedom to take on multiple clients and projects without being tied down by an employer’s sponsorship.

Moreover, some free zones offer affordable options for setting up your business under this visa category. The process of obtaining a freelance visa involves submitting an application along with all required documents and fees through designated authorities within each respective emirate.

When comparing freelance visas with other types available in the UAE like remote work visas or golden visas, it’s essential to consider your specific needs and plans while living in the country. Freelance visas might be more suitable if you’re looking for independence and flexibility when working with clients across different industries; however, if long-term stability or family sponsorship options are crucial factors for you – explore alternatives such as green or golden visas instead.

Remember that choosing the right type of visa is essential for ensuring a smooth transition into life within the UAE – so weigh up your options carefully before making any decisions!

Golden visa (10 years)

For those seeking long-term residency and stability in the UAE, the Golden visa offers an exceptional opportunity. This ten-year renewable visa is designed for individuals with exceptional talents, frontline workers, outstanding students or graduates, real estate investors, and entrepreneurs who can contribute to the UAE’s economic growth.

The eligibility criteria are quite stringent but offer significant benefits compared to other visas. The benefits of the Golden visa include extended residency for you and your family members, as well as the ability to sponsor domestic help without any limit. Moreover, holders of this visa are not required to have a local sponsor or maintain physical presence in the country throughout their stay.

When comparing it with other visas like owner/partner and remote work visas, which offer three years and one year of residency respectively, the Golden visa stands out due to its longer duration and comprehensive advantages.

Navigating through the application process might seem daunting at first; however, with proper research and guidance from experienced professionals or success stories from previous applicants, you can successfully apply for a Golden visa. This process involves submitting relevant documentation such as proof of qualification (for talents), property purchase agreements (for investors), or a certificate of incorporation (for entrepreneurs) along with other necessary documents depending on your category.

Choosing a suitable visa type is crucial when planning your move to the UAE. The Golden visa offers an incredible opportunity for those who meet its strict criteria by providing them with long-term stability while also contributing positively towards the nation’s development goals. Weighing its benefits against other options available will help you make an informed decision that aligns best with your aspirations and lifestyle needs in this bustling region.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can switch between visa types in the UAE. Consider visa switching costs, transfer timelines, and application processing times. Explore in-country visa change and extension options to avoid exiting and reentering.

Navigating the labyrinth of nationality restrictions and visa eligibility can be daunting. While UAE visa policies do have entry requirements, they generally don’t impose application challenges based on nationality for specific visas.

Dual citizenship implications affect your UAE visa application process. Consider passport selection factors like visa-free travel perks and expiration dates. Use the passport most advantageous for you when applying for a UAE visa.

Imagine unlocking a world of golden benefits with your UAE Golden Visa. You’ll enjoy exclusive services, additional advantages, and privileged access to opportunities beyond the extended residency period. Seize this chance to thrive!

To sponsor your family’s visa applications, consider family finances, education options, housing, healthcare access, and cultural adjustments. Gather required documents like passports, marriage certificates, and proof of income for a smooth application process.


So there you have it, folks – the UAE’s smorgasbord of visas to suit every modern-day jet setter’s needs. From green-thumbed entrepreneurs to golden oldies, there’s a visa type for everyone in this land of opportunities.

Now that you’re armed with all the info, it’s time to make your move and join the UAE bandwagon. Choose the best visa option for your situation and dive headfirst into your Arabian adventure!

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